Access Tubs and You
Access Tubs features a large selection of walk-in bathtubs and accessories for elderly and disabled. Access Tubs are designed and manufactured using highest standards of quality and safety. Access healthcare consultants use research and knowledge to fit bathers’ needs and concerns. The idea of designing a walk in bathtub unit came from the increased need of seniors, disabled, and handicapped to be able to bathe independently and without assistance.
Buying Guide
The buying guide sectione xplains how customers should choose the appropriate configuration based on the availability of bathroom space, placement of the bathtub, and other special considerations.
Installation Help
For complete instalaltion help, refer to this section, or simply give us a call at 703-276-0100.
Using features such as a strategically allocated safety grab bar, non-slip walk-in bathtub floor surfaces, wide walk-in entrance door openings, and contoured seats molded into the shelf, Access Tubs delivers the unique set of acrylic and reinforced fiberglass models. Most Access Tubs units come in four versions of basic soakers, whirlpool therapy, air bubble massage, and dual systems. Basic soakers deliver the traditional bathing comfort combined with walk-in unit safety and luxury features. Whirlpool massage and air bubble walk in bathtubs are equipped with strategically allocated jets for therapeutic massage and relaxation. Whirlpool jets are individually controlled, allowing users to adjust water pressure and direction of water streams. Dual therapy walk in tubs deliver combined, whirlpool and air bubble massage experience. Inquire about Access walk-in bathtubs by calling us directly or submitting an inquiry using the brochure request form.
Each unit featured on this website is manufactured in the United States, using quality materials and maintaining national safety standards. If you are an installer, feel free to visit walk-in unit installation section or simply contact us directly. Access healthcare and engineering professionals will be glad to answer all of you questions. Our highly knowledgeable staff will help visitors choose the right model. Visitors can also refer to our buying guide section, in which we explain how customers should choose the appropriate configuration. Availability of bathroom space, placement of the bathtub, and special considerations such as wheelchair accessibility determine the choice of configuration such as size, operating capacity, and door side, and model type. For example, our wheelchair accessible walk-in bathtub allows bathers to enter or exit the tub using the slide board. The height and the width of the door opening in our wheelchair accessible walk-in unit are designed to match the standard height of the wheelchair seat. Another popular choice is our unique front-entrance walk-in tubs. Consumers with limited bathing space are able to fit the unit in a standard shower opening. Find out more about Access walk in tubs line by visiting our product page.